Seedpod (Architectural Competition)

The Seedpod was our entry into the 6th edition of the MICROHOME Kingspan Edition which invited participants to conceptualize an off-grid modular dwelling for a hypothetical young professional couple, with a total floor area not exceeding 25 m². This challenge encouraged innovative thinking in spatial organization, distinctive aesthetics, and the use of state-of-the-art technologies and materials. The competition had no geographical restrictions on the hypothetical sites, allowing for unlimited creativity whether urban or rural. 

The ‘seed’ holds all that is essential for life. This project proposes the seed of housing, the essential elements needed to live with dignity and independence in the modern world. It has the potential to revitalise suburbia in Aotearoa and provide disaster relief for Pacific Nations.

The ‘pod’ is the envelope built around the seed, constructed from local materials to create an architecture that is local and of its people and place. This approach ensures a light touch and local sensibility. The result is a housing solution that is better for the planet, off-grid, and independent of centralized infrastructure.


Te Āhuru Mōwai: Creating Homes for Ngāti Toa Whānau


Our Whare Our Fale: a new model for Pasefika housing and community in New Zealand